Devotion: Fan or Follower?

Mondayitis! series (part two)

“Fan or Follower”
Small group devotion

The intention is to get your group thinking about how we move beyond merely being a “fan” of Jesus to being a “follower” of Jesus.

Who in your group is an avid sports fan? (e.g. Super Rugby, Barclays Premier League etc.) What are typical characteristics of avid sports fans? Get a discussion going: how is being a avid Christian similar/different?

We began this discussion on Sunday night. Check out the comic that Abi used:

churchcartoonWhat does a “smoke and mirrors” faith look like?

Read James 1:22-27

Draw up a spectrum on a piece of paper. On one end write “listening”. On the other write “doing”.

Both are important aspects of faith. What are different practices or ways that the Church “listens” and “does”? e.g. reading scripture, praying, serving, feeding the hungry etc. Place them on the spectrum. Why do you put them there?

Where would you place yourself on the spectrum? Why?

What does a faith look like without “listening”?

What about a faith without “doing”?

The spectrum is not as clear cut as this. But it is a helpful tool. What things can you introduce into your own journey to help you in either “listening” or “doing”?

Abi talked a lot about following the law of freedom — the law of love…what does this mean to you?


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