Communion or Confusion? Reflecting on the Lord’s Supper


Every second Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion at the Living Room. But have you ever been confused by what Communion is, or why we do it? If so, join the club. You are officially joining millions of Christians around the world… the Communion meal is first and foremost a mystery (that’s what “sacrament” means!).

It’s a mystery because the Church believes that Communion is more than just remembering what Christ has done for us. It’s more than just giving thanks. In short, it’s more than just a human act. The Church believes that God is present and active when we gather to break bread and drink juice.

bread and wineHow is it that God is present and active? Well, let’s liken Communion to preaching briefly. When we hear someone preach, the sermon consists of human words, human ideas, human images. But we also believe that through these words, we might actually hear God speak — that God’s Spirit is opening our hearts to the things of God.

It’s similar in Communion. The bread and juice remain bread and juice. But by faith, these symbols signify a different reality. When we break bread together, we come expecting that God is active, that we are really encountering the living Jesus, that the Spirit is really uniting us together.

A living room is a space where people come together, eat and drink together, live life together. For our Living Room, this is the meal…it makes us who we are. So when you come to the Living Room this Sunday, and we share Communion together, are you expectant that God will actively be at work in our community?

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