Earth Day: A shameless plug

Happy Earth Day everyone!mrJingles_earth_day_1

In honour of this special occasion, let me give yet another shameless plug as to why we should care for our planet. Of the very limited readership to frequent the Living Room blogsite, there are probably three reactions right now:

  1. Huzzah! Yes! I’ve been holding out for yet another shameless creation care blog! This is so great…
  2. I’m curious as to what this says as I haven’t made my mind up around things like climate change.
  3. Load of bollocks. I’m going to read this with my skeptic’s brow furrowed and merely for the purpose of getting annoyed at yet another tree-hugger.

If yours is reaction 2, then this is for you!

What follows is written under the assumption that human-caused climate change is a very real thing. And it is one of, if not the biggest, social justice issues facing our world today. I realise there is still some debate around this, but increasingly it is becoming untenable to deny human-caused climate change. I’m not a scientist but I’m happy to agree with the overwhelming majority of the scientific community and the mounting evidence. [Warning: the above link contains some coarse language and is a humourous discussion of the issue — it should be taken as such!]

Here are some reasons why as Christians this is not a marginal issue but a central issue to the mission of the Church:


  • There is biblical precedence to care for God’s creation. To name a few examples: in Genesis 1, humanity was given the mandate to be stewards of creation. In Paul’s letter to the Colossians we are told that “all things in heaven and on earth were created” in, through and for Christ. Through him God has reconciled all things by making peace through the blood of the cross. In psalms like Psalm 148 we read of the cosmic worship that takes place.
  • Our church recognises this. The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand has named “caring for God’s creation” as a core aspect of our mission to make Jesus Christ known. This is in continuity with other major denominations, such as the Catholic Church which released an Encyclical last year on climate change. The PCANZ is currently working to divest of fossil fuels and we submitted a letter to the Government prior to the Paris Summit last year asking for a stronger stance on climate change.
  • This is a social justice issue. As global temperatures increase, and extreme weather events are becoming frequenter, it is the poorest and most vulnerable in our world who suffer. For instance our brothers and sisters in Kiribati are seeing the effects of rising sea levels daily. Hope Presbyterian has a ministry in Laos. Read this superb piece of investigative journalism of how climate change is one significant factor that is directly causing hardship and suffering there. This is not a future reality. It is a current reality. And one that is bringing very real suffering to people now.
  • Our current consumer lifestyles are directly contributing to climate change. If we truly believe as Christians that this is a major issue and consistent with our Christian witness, then we need to learn to change our lifestyles to be in line with sustainable living practices. The Earth Day website has some great resources.

As we come to commemorate ANZAC weekend, it is great chance not only to pray for the end of war, but to pray for God’s peace, shalom, in heaven and on earth. God’s shalom is about right relationship with God, with others, and importantly with our world. If you like, pray this prayer:

Creator God,
This Earth Day we thank you for your good creation.
We pray for peace in heaven and on earth under Christ.
May we learn to love others
and to be good stewards of your world.
Teach us to live in a way that strives to create space
for you, for others, and for the flourishing of the earth.
In name of Jesus,
for whom, through whom, and in whom,
all things are created,




UPDATE: Here is an excellent article on how climate change will increasingly affect us in NZ. The panel who put the report together is very respectable 😉




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